Johann Martínez
My primary interests lie in the Physics of Complex Systems, in which I explore phenomena of network science, information theory, & nonlinear dynamics along with data science projects in the context of neuroscience, social, & biology, among others.
I was always been impressed by research works showing how natural and man-made systems exhibit behaviors typically attributed to physical systems. Hence, I bet for transdisciplinary research to solve problems, in a given field, by resorting to tools from a prima facie completely different one. An innovative way to find new solutions with a different perspective working in interdisciplinary teams emphasizing applied mathematics, statistical physics, & computer science, with applications to relevant medical, biological, or social problems.
I'm a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Complex Networks (Oxford Academics), guest editor of Chaos Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier), & Chaos Journal (AIP). I'm part of the steering committee of the Latin American Conference on Complex Networks (LANET), & ENREDANDO, International school of nonlinear dynamics and networks, Organizer of the Brain Networks Satellites @NetSci.
J.H. Martínez. Intervención sobre un modelo en red. Artwork exhibited at Neuromancia. International Year of Science. Madrid, Spain 2013