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Code for Time Reversibility by Ordinal Patterns (TiROP). Published in Chaos
TiROP Matlab code based on Ordinal Patterns. Link to GitHub. Paper: Detection of time reversibility in time series by ordinal patterns...

Tutorial for Complex Brain networks.
The use of graph theory and complex systems for functional connectivity (Clicking in the image a PDF copy). This tutorial of brain...

New Satellite of Network Neuroscience @NetSci Conference!
This year The NetSci conference will be held in Indiana. USA, after successful events in Zaragoza, Spain, and Seoul. Korea, etc, and now...

Interview (in Spanish) in Universidad de Guadalajara. MX. About complex networks
Entrevista corta sobre redes complejas en la Universida de Guadalajara. México. PodCast (Inicio en minuto 36)

En-Red-Ando 2020. Escuela Iberoamericana de Redes y Sistemas Complejos: De la dinámica no lineal a l
En-Red-Ando 2020. Escuela Iberoamericana de Redes y Sistemas Complejos: De la dinámica no lineal a las redes complejas. Francia, invitado...

Downloadable Disease-Outbreaks-Data
Disease outbreakes and Countries. Time series of agregated data of number infected subjects along time. Usually, in order to acount the...

3rd Latin American Conference on Complex Networks (LaNet2021)
The aim of LANET is to provide with a forum to join all scientists who are somehow related to the research on Network Science in Latin...

Historias de Gigantes Episodio 5, Entrevista a Johann Martinez. Joven físico Colombiano.
Historias de Gigantes nace como un lugar de inspiración dedicado a darle voz a los miles de heroes anónimos. Entrevista corta a Johann H....

A simple Topic on Metabolic Networks
Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) had shown to be optimal to quantify the metabolic rate of cells and microorganisms. Its fundamentals are...

Analysing Brain Dynamics by Means of Networks Science.
Doctoral dissertation in Physics of Complex Systems. An introduction of complexity, particularly in networks science, and how these...
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